It’s 2021, What’s Next For You?

Not existing before…

~ New

Happy New Year!

Yes, we are already into the second month of the new year, but given the pandemic of 2020, it still feels good (and right) to say it, so Happy New Year!

Even though it is a new year, everything unwanted did not just suddenly disappear when the clock struck midnight and 2021 arrived. The pandemic is still with us, and for many, there is still the feeling of great loss — loved ones, income, normalcy — none of which were magically fixed when the new year began.

Our lives and daily routines changed dramatically in 2020. So much so, that we must now adjust to new ways of seeing and doing things — we must embrace a new normal in this new year. For some, the idea of a new normal feels frightening and unsettling; for others, it feels exciting and invigorating.

How this new year unfolds will be different for each of us. We must each decide whether to hold onto a past that no longer exists or to let go of that which we cannot change and reach for something new — a new year that’s filled with new dreams, new adventures, and endless possibilities!

At NextBigAdventure.Me we choose the later, a new year that’s filled with new dreams, new adventures, and endless possibilities!

We are at peace with the present, excited for what’s to come, and looking forward to co-creating our future together with you!

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